Abuse & Adore

(^.^) All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Flyaway To China 24.04.08...

Temporarily, I will be away from my beloved country starting tomorrow until further notice.

Now, 11.20pm I'm packing and start searching
for the outfits and relevant documents and helpful equipments...

Bye-bye... 'till we meet again... tunggooooooooooooooo....!

Hishhh... tunggang langgang aka tunggang terbalik stock makanan aku...


  1. oitttt... tungguuuuu... nak itotttttttt... huhuhu...

    psssssssst... utang tag dah langsai yek... ngeeeeeeeeee...

  2. Thanks Kelat...
    Ko memang besh, cepat bayar utang...
    Lain kali aku kasik pinjam lagik...
    "Utang 'TAG' dibawak matik..."

  3. Takdo lah Mr. Deaf...
    Ni 'jalan-jalan' bukan sebarang jenjalan... kalu tak fit memang azab...
    sehari aku ingat walkaton nak dekat 40km kot...

  4. aku nak sebinier tau.hehe.

  5. ole-ole kalau dibeli grenti macam brang2 kat petaling street , Chinatown kat KL tuh...

    Aku tempek gambornya utk ko jamu mata okey... nanti...
