Abuse & Adore

(^.^) All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Suryalaya Dalam D Major

getar senandung suryalaya menggamit.
hari ini aku menutup muka bersandar pada kerusi boss
duduk diam-diam di sela waktu rembang rehat tengahari
tatkala yang lain terkocoh kacah menyerbu medan-medan selera

kelmarin petang lewat senja aku menjerit sa-orang diri di opis ku
tatkala yang lain menderu-deru mau pulang ke sarang
"I've already mastered v-lookup!"
Jeritan kelegaan kadar 44 decible

Tetiba cuping telingaku menangkap
"Excuse me?"
Aku tersentak lansung tersedar
Ku toleh ke kiri... Paduka Wong tersengih dari meja Srikandi Siow

"I 'll stay with you Srikandi Siow... 
and we will go back just before the sun rise!"

1 comment:

  1. This is really a beautiful song. I was speechless the first time I heard this song when it first came out.
