Abuse & Adore

(^.^) All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Loya, Phobia & Trauma Jenama BABI

Chinese New Year Jatuh pada 14hb February & 15hb February 2010.
11bh February 2010 aku drive pulang dari Wangsa Maju
lebih kurang pukul 12.30 tengah malam.
(Jumpa adik aku, Najib Rohim to handover Spiderman Trolley Bag
untuk putera sulongku Asyraf Daniel Imran.
Najib Rohim balik Cuti CNY starting 13th February 2010).
Melalui MRR2 depan Batu Caves, then took left into Jalan Kuching....

***** ***** ***** ***** ******
Nun jauh 500 meter di hadapan,
mata helang aku dah dapat menangkap & zoom in sesuatu....
Mata kasarku kata lori angkut sponge (Span)...
Hati kecilku kata yang lain.

Maka berlakulah pertelagahan & perdebatan hebat antara aku & Encik Anuar...

Aku: "Encik Anuar, cuba teka apa kat depan tuh, dalam lori.... "
Encik Anuar: "Ntah... tak nampak apa-apa pun..."
Aku: "Kalau nak tahu itulah babi.... lori angkut babi..."
Encik Anuar: "Impossible... mana ada lori babi angkut babi
secara terbuka terang- terangan..."

Aku: "Haaa... malam ini adalah kalau nak tengok....
tu semua babi yang dah kena 'sembelih' dah..."
"Ahhhh... mengarutsss... very the mengarutssss...!" tingkah Encik Anuar.

Aku punyalah tak puas hati.
Aku tekan pedal minyak, increase speed dari 60km/hour to 85km/hour...
lewat-lewat malam buta, mana nak 'speeding' selalunya...
... ambik angin malam kata orang...

Dari jarak 200meter, kelihatan jelas, lori satu tan,
mengangkut objek-objek berwarna 'peach-creamy'
macam warna mannequine atau tone bedak brand 'Yardley'....

Aku: "Haaa? Nampak tak Encik Anuar.... Kalau dah babi tuh, babilah... Tak caya?"
Encik Anuar: "Mana.... pandai-pandai dia nih...
lori angkut span (Sponge) dia kata lori babi... nonsense...!"

Kelihatan objek-objek berwarna peach yang membukit di dalam lori
melambung-lambung & terhenjut-henjut dek 'inertia' daya lantunan lori 1 tan
yang membawanya sepanjang Jalan Kuching.

Aku: "Iyeeeerrrrr... tengok kaki dia, sumer ke-empat-empat terangkat ke atas
.... tu haaaa... telinga dia mengepak-ngepak berkibar disapu dek angin....
ehhh...tututuu... muncung si tonyok terserlah...
ni nak CNY, mestilah derang buat stock banyak-banyak...
tu ha... nampak tak perut dia dah terbelah dah... isi sumer dah di kosongkan..."

Encik Anuar: "Karut.... imaginasi liar ..."

Aku punyalah tak puas hati... aku kejar lori satu tan tuh....
nah ambik ko.... betul2 jarak 3.5 meter di belakang lori.....
Encik Anuar cepat-cepat naikkan tingkap....
(nahas kalau hujan ker hapa... merewciks-rewciks air renjisan babi nanti....)

Aku: "Ambik Encik Anuar, span gebulah sangat gayanya ...."

"Isyhhh....dia nih..." Encik Anuar dah meloya.

Sedangkan kalau main Farm Town & Farm Ville kat Facebook sana dapat gift Babi...
dah termuntah-muntah on the spot Encik Anuar berlari ke bathroom...

Bayangkan juga kalau bermain Eudemon @ Jin.Online
dapat Eudemon species Magegos (Piggy)
Encik Anuar dah termuntah-muntah hijau.... inikan pula yang real....

Kelihatan jelas... dalam 20 hekor babi dewasa siap dilapah perutnya,
(perutnya terbuka kosong), kepala masih bercantum
(seekor jer yang aku nampak ada kepala,
yang tulah telinga lembutnya beribar-kibar dilanda bayu malam pukul 12.30pagi)...
yang lain-lain tuh semua kaki naik atas, lembut melambai-lambai terhayun-hayun montok gebu macam span... weekkkkssss

* Telinga inilah yang aku nampak dari kepala sekor Babi berkibar-kibar
melambai aku yang tengah drive dari jarak 200 meter...
nak paste gambar kepala babi bertelinga aku tak tergamak... *

Aku kesal, handphone aku nun berselirat dalam handbag...
selalu aku tak pernah letak dalam handbag,
mesti standby kat tepi nak snap photo yang menarik & janggal...

Aku nak pintas lori angkut babi tuh, tak lepas-lepas, road under construction sebelah lane kanan... penuh orange cones ... at last after 30 seconds, aku berjaya overtook lori babi tuh... fuuuuhhhhh... lega-lega-lega....

15 minutes to reach home.
Sampai sahaja di rumah, Encik Anuar terus bergegas ke bathroom....
"Uweeekkkkkkssss....uweeekkkkkkssss...uweeekkssss..." aku tau dah... approximately half an hour dalam bathroom tak habis-habis dok uweeekkkkssss....

***** ***** ***** ***** ******

Maaf... aku tak mahu menggunakan perkataan KHINZIR.
Malas aku nak berlunak-lunak dalam soal ini.

Lihat frasa ini:
"khinzir sungguh" - lebih lunak

"babi sungguh" - ahhh, ganas.
Inilah betapa uniknya bahasa Melayu.

Oh, ya. Aku tak pernah terlupa babi itu haram.
Haram dari segala aspek,
sehingga diajar kepada setiap kanak-kanak mumayyiz kalau cakap babi berdosa.
Mengapa tak dipadam saja perkataan
babi itu dalam kamus?
Atau kita rela menggunakan perkataan asing terutama Arab
dengan memanggil haiwan tersebut dengan nama khinzir?
Mungkin khinzir itu lebih manis dipertuturkan kerana ia dari Lughatul Arabiyyah...

***** ***** ***** ***** ******

Kita percaya anda juga ada yang pernah merasa bau bacinnya tempias babi.
Soalnya, kenapa ini terjadi??
Lori daging ayam dan lembu tertutup rapat sementara lori BABI terbuka luas
menempiaskan najis darah dan lendirannya ke serata jalan.
Hancur perasaan sayangkan muhibbah sekiranya terpercik dengan najis babi di serata jalan.

***** ***** ***** ***** ******

Hmmm.. terlanjur aku berbicara pasal keloyaan BABI
yang telah menyelinap ke dalam saraf aku dalam seminggu ini....
aku menyelitkan artikel dari Zorro, Puchong.

(yang terkenal dengan 'tagline' beliau :
"Menerokai Dunia Pemikiran Reflektif")

Aku masih ingat lagi perkataan atau jenama BABI ini cukup "fobia" kepada sesiapa jua. Dizaman persekolahan aku dahulu, perkataan BABI memang menjadi "alat" untuk pelajar-pelajar yang bermulut celupar untuk "memaki" rakan-rakan dan guru-guru yang tidak disukai.

Perkataan empat(4) huruf yang ringkas tetapi cukup mengguris ulu hati dan membakar emosi. Dialog "BABI engkau..." cukup sinonim dan lemak kedengaran bersama "nada" sebutannya. Perkataan dan jenama BABI ini cukup popular walaupun rupa BABI yang sebenarnya tidak pernahpun aku lihat secara "life".

Jenama BABI ini pada pengamatan aku dahulu
merupakan satu istilah yang cukup menggelikan, meloyakan dan menyakitkan.
Sesiapa sahaja yang ditujukan perkataan ini pasti akan menggenggam buku lima dan berakhir dengan pergaduhan seumpama ahli-ahli politik sekarang yang bercakaran antara satu sama lain.

Ya, cukup sinonim tetapi dalam suasana yang berbeza.
Sekitar tahun 1993 dahulu, aku pernah terkena air BABI yang meleleh dan melayang di jalanraya semasa menunggang motosikal Yamaha WCX 2142.
Malang yang "berbau air BABI" kerana tanpa disedari aku telah membontoti sebuah lori yang berpenumpangkan beberapa ekor BABI.
Terasa sejuk sahaja apabila terkena anggota badan.
Mulut tanpa disedari mulai mengeluarkan perkataan sumpah-seranah.
Antara perkataannya..."BABI kau...takda jalan lain ke nak lalu".
Sudah tentu aku menyumpah BABI dan Lori BABI.

Terkena air BABI ini merupakan beban yang teramat berat pada aku.
Yalah, mencari kerja pula untuk menggali "tanah liat" bagi tujuan menyamak.
Habis seluruh pelusuk UPM aku jelajah untuk mencari bukit yang ada tanah liat.
Balik ke rumah, kena pula menyiapkan perkakas mandi.
Bagi mengelakkan perasaan was-was (setan betul), akupun bertapalah selama sejam bagi memastikan seluruh tubuh badan dilumur dengan air tanah liat dan disiram dengan serata-ratanya. Bukankah menyusahkan.
Fobia...fobia...BABI betul!

***** ***** ***** ***** ******

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods

Aging sets in a number of processes inside your body. Your cells begin to decay. Hormone levels change and general immunity begins to decline. That's the time you need more of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients to keep your systems running in good form.

The general guidelines for the anti-aging diet are: keep your calorie intake and saturated fat consumption down; eat plenty of wholegrain, oily fish and fresh fruit and vegetables; and cut down on salt and sugar. In addition to these general guidelines, there are specific foods that have a roll in anti-aging and that you should regularly include in your diet.

Staying 5-10% below ideal body weight is a good target for anti-aging weight.

Avocado: Avocados once had a bad reputation because the average specimen has about 300 calories and a whopping 30 grams of fat. Lately, though, scientists have learned that monounsaturated fats, the kind found in avocados, a good source of healthy fat that may help to reduce level of cholesterol in body. Avocado is a good source of vitamin E and can help to maintain healthy skin and prevent skin aging (vitamin E may also help alleviate menopausal hot flushes). Scientists also discovered that avocados are a rich source of phytochemicals, such as beta-sisterol, which are thought to fight heart disease and certain kinds of cancers. It is rich in potassium which helps prevent fluid retention and high blood pressure. (But remember that avocados still have 300 calories, so eat them in moderation.)

There are two varieties you're most likely to find at the market: Haas, which have thick, rough, and blackish skins, and Fuerte, which have thin, smooth, green skins. The flavors are similar, but I find the Fuerte variety has a brighter, slightly less buttery flavor and is great for eating by itself. Nothing beats a ripe Haas for guacamole, however. You can buy either kind unripe; they'll ripen on your windowsill. Once they're slightly soft, you should keep them in the refrigerator.

Berries: All black and blue berries such as blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrants and black grapes contain phytochemicals known as flavonoids-powerful antioxidants which help to prevent and repairs the body against damage caused by free radicals and aging. Best of all, berries taste really, really good. Be sure to eat your berries without any sauces or sugars. Just enjoy them plain for their goodness.

The next superfood craze are Acai berries & Goji berries (also called wolfberries). The acai berry is a tiny grape-like fruit that grows in the rain forest of Brazil. The goji berry is a Chinese berries that has been getting attention as an anti aging wonder. Goji Berry and Acai berries have high levels of anti-oxidants, making them a popular superfruit, and opening the potential of health and anti aging benefits.

Cruciferous vegetables: The family of Cruciferous vegetables includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, broccoflower (Romanesco Broccoli @ Roman Cauliflower), kale, turnip, brussels sprouts, radish and watercress. They're all members of or cabbage, family of vegetables. And they all contain phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals, and fiber that are important to your health (although some have more than others.) Cruciferous vegetables assist the body in its fight against toxins and have excellent cancer fighting properties.

Lab studies show that one of the phytochemicals found in cruciferous vegetables - sulforaphane - can stimulate enzymes in the body that detoxify carcinogens before they damage cells. These cruciferous vegetables contain isothiocyanates, which stimulate our bodies to break down potential carcinogens. They work by preventing the transformation of normal healthy cells into cancerous cells. Through different mechanisms, two other compounds found in cruciferous vegetables -- indole 3-carbinol and crambene -- are also suspected of activating detoxification enzymes. Another way cruciferous vegetables may help to protect against cancer is by reducing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the overload of harmful molecules called oxygen-free radicals, which are generated by the body. Reducing these free radicals may reduce the risk of colon, lung, prostate, breast, and other cancers.

You should try to consume at least 115g/40z (of any one or a combination) of these vegetables on a daily basis. If possible, eat them raw or very lightly cooked so that the important enzymes remain intact. It's best, to lightly steamed to retain the phytochemicals that make cruciferous vegetables special in terms of health.

Garlic: Garlic is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent. It retards cellular decay, thins blood and prevents infections. Garlic is an excellent antioxidant and thus helps in retarding growth of abnormal cells. It prevents arteries from clogging, and reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levelsGarlic reduced cholesterol levels and assisted blood thinning more effectively than aspirin, thus helping to reduce risk of heart attacks. The most important thing is that garlic is said to have anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that it can prevent digestive cancers, breast and prostate cancer. Eating a clove of garlic a day (row or cooked) helps to protect the body against cancer and heart disease.

Nowadays many garlic products, such garlic bread, garlic soup sticks, garlic butter and garlic spreads are available that you can conveniently take to derive the maximum of anti-aging health benefits of garlic.

Ginger: This spicy root can boost the digestive and circulatory sytems, which can be useful for older people. Ginger may also help to alleviate rheumatic aches and pains.

Walnuts: When it comes to rejuvenating brain functions for the elderly, there's hardly any better thing than walnuts. Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that vastly improve the functioning of the brain cells, walnuts are must as an anti-aging ingredient to improve memory, relieve depression and improve cognitive functions.

Walnuts are miracle gifts of Nature. Aging naturally slows down the flow of blood in the arteries that puts the heart under pressure to keep blood circulating throughout the body. Studies have shown that walnuts with their rich reserves of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) plus Omega-3 fatty acids improve artery function and heart health, which is a definite advantage from the perspective of anti-aging.

Another crucial anti-aging property of walnut is its capacity to improve sleep. Melatonin is a hormone that is produced by the pineal glands regulates sleep inside the body. Its secretion declines naturally with aging. That is why aging people have reduced sleep. Walnut is an excellent source of bio-available melatonin and can vastly improve sleep in people, both in terms of quality and hours of sleep. So if you want a good night's sleep everyday, don't forget your daily recipe of steamed vegetables, green salads or fruit salad tossed with a handful of walnuts.

Melatonin is also a mighty antioxidant that makes walnuts an excellent source to check cellular decay that happens due to free radical hits. Studies have shown that taking walnuts on regular basis considerably minimizes risk of many life-threatening diseases that develop from cellular decay. Walnuts also improve bone health that is so vital for the elderly. Just four walnuts a day, and you can enjoy a longer, happier and younger life, the simplest possible way.

A pretty good deal. Best of all, unlike fish oils, these omega-3s do not have the risk of mercury contamination.There are certain parts of your brain that are basically made of omega-3 essential fatty acids. These are known as "essential fatty acids" because your body cannot make them -- you must get them from foods. By making sure you have enough, your brain has a better chance at functioning at 100% today and for years to come.

Never eat rancid nuts, however, as they have been linked to a high incidence of free radicals. If you happen to be allergic to walnuts, try pecans or almonds -- they are pretty good for you as well.

Soya: Tofu, Soymilk and Edamame - these nibbles favored by vegetarians contain natural phytoestrogens that help keep skin resilient and may even actually slow down the aging process. Soya possesses a host of therapeutic and preventive properties.

Soya contain isoflavones which help in lowering cholesterol arising out of high dietary fat and blood circulation difficulties. They are an excellent source of plant-based estrogen, a hormone that particularly helps women to retain their beauty and feminine qualities. After menopause, estrogen secretion falls in the body due to which women experience many health and mood-related adversities and show signs of fast aging. If during menopause the body's natural level of estrogen drops, isoflavones can compensate this by binding to the same receptor, thereby easing menopause symptoms as a result. Soya, are also excellent sources of protein which help the cells to be stronger and decay-resistant. When cells decay less, the impact of aging is less felt and less visibly noticed.

Look out for fermented soya products, which are more easily digested, therefore more nutritional, and do not generally cause food intolerances. You may want to check that soya products have not been genetically modified. Soya should not be confused with soya sauce, which is full of salt and should be used sparingly, if at all.

Whole meal pasta and rice: Carbohydrates, or carbs, divided into two categories. You have simple carbs and complex carbs. The best way to think about it is that simple carbs turn into sugar in your body which can cause all kinds of nasty things to happen which will age your body. The opposite of what we are looking for in anti aging foods.

A quick way to decide if a food is a simple carb is to decide if it is “white” or not. That means stay away from white sugar, white rice, white bread, white flour, potatoes, cereal, cake, cookies, candy and so on.

It’s best to stay away from simple carbs especially if you are overweight/obese and may have an “intractable weight problem” or suffer from diabetes 2 or metabolic syndrome. Simple carbs will spike your insulin and lead to insulin resistance.

Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, take longer to turn into glucose, or straight sugar, in the body. Mostly this is due to the amount of fiber within the complex carb. Fiber is good in an anti aging sense as it helps remove toxins from the body even if we cannot digest it..

What kind of foods make up complex carbohydrates? These are vegetables, whole meal (whole grains) , fruits, nuts, and legumes (beans).

Complex carbohydrates provide a consistent supply of energy throughout the day and should make up the bulk of your diet. Wholemeal pasta is an excellent complex carbohydrate. It is high in fibre and contains twice the amount of iron as normal pasta. Brown rice is another recommended complex carbohydrate, which is high in fibre and B vitamins.

Melon: Melons are a good source of Vitamins A, B6 and C, minerals such as magnesium, potassium and iron, antioxidants such as lycopene and other key ingredients such as beta-carotene. Lycopene in melons is an extremely powerful antioxidant that very effectively controls free radical damage in the body. Both the flesh and seeds of the watermelon are nutritious so try blending them together in a food processor and drinking as a juice. The flesh contain vitamin A , B and C ; the seeds contain selenium, essential fats, zinc and vitamin E, all of which help against free radical damage and aging.

Water: Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day in order to remain healthy. Water helps us to get rid of the toxins and unwanted waste materials from your body.
Don't rely on thirst; this sensation diminishes with age. Drink often and choose from nutritious liquids, including 100% fruit and vegetable juices, skim or low fat milk, broths, sparkling water, and teas. You can also get fluids from foods, especially those that are liquid at room temperature. Try gelatin, frozen yogurt, soups, watermelon, pickles, oranges, lettuce, tomatoes, etc.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kepala Kerbau

Asmahani said... : "apakah yang warna hitam, satu kg RM8 tu? "

Trapa bicornis
The water caltrop , water chestnut or Singhara (सिंघाडा) is either of two species of the genus Trapa: Trapa natans and Trapa bicornis.

Both species are floating annual aquatic plants,
growing in slow-moving water up to 5 meters deep, native to warm temperate parts of Eurasia and Africa. They bear ornately shaped fruits that resemble the head of a bull, each containing a single very large starchy seed.

Available at Jusco... certain time especially 1 month before Chinese New Year.

Other name: Osbeck horn nut, ‘China horn nut’ or ‘Ling Kok’

Ini resepi & extra info yang hasil dari carian saya 'google' ke sana ke mari.

Black Horn Nut, Bull Head, Bat Nut, Devil Pod, Buffalo Nut
is the seed pod of an Oriental aquatic plant.
They are toxic if uncooked
but they are delicous (edible, of course) when cooked with rice and vegetable.

Many love to eat them boiled just like roasted chestnut.
They taste like chestnut but have more texture. An average nut is about 3 inches long.

Cover them in water and some salt, bring to a boil and simmer for 25-30 minutes.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jom Melancong Ke Pasar...! (Lama Ngat-Ngat Tak Merayau Ke Pasar...)

Rasanya dah 2 minggu
aku tak merayap ke Pasar Malam Taman Tun, Jalan Tun Muhd Fuad...
Pada setiap petang Ahad, set-up time as early as 3.00pm.

*ini Udang Ketak Yang dah matang...dah evoluate... kat Vietnam aku ada makan nih...
baby losbter kata
derang... ngeri macam serangga...

Masih ingatkah lagik pada post Udang Ketak & resepi2nya?


The very last time was (can't remember....) cari kasut CROCs....
jangan tak taw... kasut CROCs yang jual kat pasar malam ada yang original...
can be purchased as cheap as RM20.00....
Ini ekoran banyak kilang-kilang kat China terpaksa menanggung stocks
yang US customers yang tak ambik dengan derang
gara-gara lambakan kasut CROCs di negara mereka...

Musim hujan... leceh....
arrived there at 4.30pm... banyak gerai yang dah 'tapaw'... tergesa2...
takut hujan turun...
banyak stuffs yang dibungkus dengan plastic transparent.
Aku kalau ke Pasar Malam Taman Tun...

Aku kalau ke pasar... suka cari mender-mender exotic...

Mesti dijenguk ataupun nak beli:
1. Jagung rebus
2. Kasut Crocs
3. Mee Sup Utara

4. Solok Lada (Isi ikan + kelapa stuffed dalam Charlestons Chilli)

* yang ni mungkin dia campur 1:10 beras perang kepada beras putih *

5. Nasi Dagang Beras Ceruh Warna Perang

* yang ni aku shuker.... dalam 40% beras ceruh Kelantan : 60% beras putih *

6. Lauk Kuzi Ayam ... nyaum... nyum... nyam...
7. Kacang (Peanut) rebus...
8. Lazy pants dari gerai2 kat sini... stylo...
9. Orange Navel... very 'der juicy...

* Popia Pasar Malam Taman Tun yang melertz... vass....

dah ternama sampai PowerPoint Bazaar Ramadhan
yang di'foward'kan dari e-mail ke e-mail
tatkala di siang hari Bulan Ramadhan
saban tahun tetap memperkatakannya....

Masa adik aku beli... aku wat derkkk jer,
sebab mati-mati aku hingat roti john...

(roti john Pasar Malam Tmn Tun...

kalah dengan yang dijual di Pasar Pagi Ahad Sungai Penchala , tasty gittew...) *

*** ***
Ni pulak, gambar yang aku amik kar Pasar Tikam Batu... home town aku...
Aku shuker pasar Tikam Batu... penuh dengan gelagat warga emas & golongan unik.

Aku ada amik business card dia... jap aku carik...
isyhhh... malaslah... nak bukak wallet lagik...
nak snap photo secara close-up plak tuh...

Nak cucuk USB cable kat handphone lagik...
nak up-load lagik...
... banyak songeh... Aku bukannya rajin sangat....
Hmmm... kuranglah value post aku kali ini....

Berat kulit jer Si Lokan nih...
lak tu... aku beli masa bulan tak penuh....
Kalau beli kala malam bulan mengambang...
baru penuh isi-isi rumpun kaum crutasean nih...

Sekian... nak tidur dulu....
hari ni aku mood tak brapa baik...
Hari ini aku sudah jadi lupa... siapakah diri ini... ; )